How to Gain From Acupuncture
In acupuncture, a practitioner inserts thin needles close to or directly into the area that is the source of illness or pain. Besides chronic pain, acupuncture can help people who suffer from migraines, nerve or muscle problems, cardiovascular conditions and stress. Many times, the needles are used with low currency electricity, homeopathic solutions or sterilized water.
Speak to your primary care physician about seeing an acupuncturist for your particular heath problem. Many doctors practice acupuncture themselves or can refer you to practitioner.
Research the procedures used by acupuncturists so you will know what you stand to gain from acupuncture for your ailment. There are many websites (see Resources) and books that can help you make an informed decision about your body and health care.
Determine if you will gain from acupuncture by talking with your acupuncturist. Make sure you understand any risks involved. Your acupuncturist may suggest other treatments, such as acupressure or lifestyle changes, including vitamin supplements, to accompany your acupuncture treatments.
Find a licensed acupuncturist in your area (see Resources). Many times this will be a chiropractor who has also received the required training mandated by your state to practice acupuncture (see Resources). Getting a reference from a friend, family member or your physician is also reassuring.
Tips & Warnings
Many or most states allow a medical doctor or osteopath to practice acupuncture with no further training. Don't settle for a physician who has not spent time learning this ancient art and medicine.
Most insurance companies will not cover acupuncture, just as they don't cover most alternative treatments such as massage therapy. Make sure you know how much your treatment will cost and if payment arrangements are available.
In acupuncture, a practitioner inserts thin needles close to or directly into the area that is the source of illness or pain. Besides chronic pain, acupuncture can help people who suffer from migraines, nerve or muscle problems, cardiovascular conditions and stress. Many times, the needles are used with low currency electricity, homeopathic solutions or sterilized water.
Speak to your primary care physician about seeing an acupuncturist for your particular heath problem. Many doctors practice acupuncture themselves or can refer you to practitioner.
Research the procedures used by acupuncturists so you will know what you stand to gain from acupuncture for your ailment. There are many websites (see Resources) and books that can help you make an informed decision about your body and health care.
Determine if you will gain from acupuncture by talking with your acupuncturist. Make sure you understand any risks involved. Your acupuncturist may suggest other treatments, such as acupressure or lifestyle changes, including vitamin supplements, to accompany your acupuncture treatments.
Find a licensed acupuncturist in your area (see Resources). Many times this will be a chiropractor who has also received the required training mandated by your state to practice acupuncture (see Resources). Getting a reference from a friend, family member or your physician is also reassuring.
Tips & Warnings
Many or most states allow a medical doctor or osteopath to practice acupuncture with no further training. Don't settle for a physician who has not spent time learning this ancient art and medicine.
Most insurance companies will not cover acupuncture, just as they don't cover most alternative treatments such as massage therapy. Make sure you know how much your treatment will cost and if payment arrangements are available.